Write a 400-word summary that draws upon the readings from this week in order to


Write a 400-word summary that draws upon the readings from this week in order to

Write a 400-word summary that draws upon the readings from this week in order to create a multifaceted definition the term “multilingualism” and its relationship to urban space and landscape. In order to successfully complete this assignment, synthesize the authors’ arguments, showing how their definitions or concepts of multilingualism compare and contrast to one another. Do quote the texts but do so sparingly; thus, long quotes are both unnecessary and discouraged because the purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to summarize and to draw connections between the texts in your own words.
Write a 400 word summary that compares/contrasts definitions of “multilingualism” as it relates to urban environments in our readings. Your summary should:
-Have a main argument about the major definitions of “multilingualism” explored in the readings. Make sure you introduce your main argument within the first two or three sentences.
-Contain body paragraphs that focus on key definitions of multilingualism from particular readings, drawing comparisons and contrasts with other readings.
-Show a nuanced grasp of key terms and concepts in the readings.
-Contain transitions that show the similarities and differences between varied definitions of multilingualism presented in the readings.
-Demonstrate skill in summarizing/paraphrasing in your own words.
-Use MLA-style citation to identify page numbers for paraphrased ideas and brief quotations. Please use only brief quotations in this essay. The goal is to demonstrate your skill in summarizing and exploring relationships among texts in your own words.


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