What is Electricity? Electricity is a form of energy that comes from the movemen


What is Electricity?
Electricity is a form of energy that comes from the movemen

What is Electricity?
Electricity is a form of energy that comes from the movement of electrons.
It powers many things we use every day, like lights, computers, and phones.
How Electricity Works:
Electricity flows through wires, like water flows through pipes.
When you plug in a device, electricity flows from the power source (like a battery or outlet) through the wires to make the device work.
Parts of an Electric Circuit:
Power Source: Provides the electricity, like a battery or outlet.
Wires: Carry the electricity from the power source to the device.
Load: The device that uses the electricity, like a light bulb or fan.
Types of Circuits:
Series Circuit: Electricity flows in a single path. If one device stops working, the whole circuit stops.
Parallel Circuit: Electricity flows in multiple paths. If one device stops working, others still work.
Safety Tips:
Never touch electrical wires or outlets with wet hands.
Always unplug devices before repairing or touching them.
Uses of Electricity:
Lighting up homes and streets.
Powering appliances like refrigerators, TVs, and washing machines.
Running machinery


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