Think about your community. How could Palm Beach County Fire Rescue provide some


Think about your community. How could Palm Beach County Fire Rescue provide some

Think about your community. How could Palm Beach County Fire Rescue provide some intergenerational safety activities, other than an open house, that would benefit age groups at both ends of the spectrum?
Intergenerational programs intentionally unite the generations in ways that enrich participants’ lives and help address vital social and community issues while building on the positive resources that young and old have to offer each other and to their communities. These programs bring people of different generations together for ongoing, mutually beneficial, planned activities, designed to achieve specified program goals and promote greater understanding and respect between generations. Reciprocity, sustainability, intentionality, training, support, and viewing younger and older people as assets are hallmarks of successful programs. There are many types of intergenerational programs ranging from mentoring and community service to service learning and workforce development. The goals of these programs are just as varied, and some examples are outlined in the chart on pages 4 and 5. Some programs primarily focus on improving academic outcomes among younger generations with older volunteers as tutors, mentors, allies, and friends. Other programs primarily focus on improving social, health, and economic aspects for older adults with younger generations as partners. While other programs aim to promote healthier lifestyle behaviors for both generations simultaneously, thereby lowering health risks. The possibilities for intergenerational programs are endless.
Think about your community. How could Palm Beach County Fire Rescue provide some intergenerational safety activities, other than an open house, that would benefit age groups at both ends of the spectrum?


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