Part 1: Resources Understanding Arguments Watch “Narrow Your Topic” in preparat


 Part 1: Resources
Understanding Arguments
Watch “Narrow Your Topic” in preparat

 Part 1: Resources
Understanding Arguments
Watch “Narrow Your Topic” in preparation for creating your argument.
Read “DC versus Marvel“ from the University Library. This article is an example of an argument. See how the author determines which is better using examples and types of evidence.
Crafting and Supporting an Argument
Select 1 of the following questions options: 
Is Marvel or DC the best franchise?
Is it better to work to live or live to work?
Is American football or soccer better?
Are movies or books better?
Is it more important to be wealthy or happy?
Provide your own creative, debatable question (run it by the instructor if you aren’t sure).
Locate a credible article or blog that discusses your selected question. Be sure to cite your source, so you can prove you did find one.
Part 2: Response
Provide a minimum 175-word response to the following questions using the article or blog that corresponds to your selected question from Part 2: 
Which article or blog did you select?
How would you quickly summarize the author’s argument?
What did you find compelling about the argument?
What weaknesses did you spot in the argument?
How might you write a more persuasive argument on this topic?
Identify (maybe even quote specifically) something you learned from this week’s learning activities and Chapter readings.
Identify some feedback you received in Weeks 1 and 2 that will help you here.
Part 3: Resource Credit
Practice giving credit to the resource you selected in Part 1 and used for your response in Part 2. Giving proper credit to your sources builds your credibility with your audience.


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