Major financial management decisions involve capital budgeting, capital structur


Major financial management decisions involve capital budgeting, capital structur

Major financial management decisions involve capital budgeting, capital structure, and working capital management. Discuss an example of each that relates to Williams’ Tree Farm, and elaborate on how they relate to Williams’ Tree Farm.
Discuss if the Williams should form a regular corporation or choose one of the hybrid forms. Whichever form they use, they intend to distribute ownership equally among Jake, his wife, and their two children so that each party will own 25% of the shares. Consider the tax consequences of their decision.
Explain how does incorporating affect the family’s overall risk exposure.
Explain how does incorporating affect the ability of the business to expand.
John is concerned that if the business gets much bigger or if he should just decide to slow down and enjoy life a little more, he will need to hire professional management and possibly lose control over key business decisions. Discuss whether his concerns justified.


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