I need a 300 word discussion post and two 200 word responses. Discussion post: D


I need a 300 word discussion post and two 200 word responses.
Discussion post: D

I need a 300 word discussion post and two 200 word responses.
Discussion post: Discussion Questions:
Part 1. Define leadership, in your own words, and then discuss why it is critical for responding to disease crises.
Part 2. Elaborate on one infectious disease, except for Covid-19, that devasted our nation (from colonial America to the present) by briefly describing what it was, how it was treated (if at all), and the impact it had on our country – do not discuss political leaders.
Part 3. Explain a deliberate use of an infectious disease used by Americans/American troops for political or military gain, or against Americans/American troops, and the impact it had on those who used it and those who were the victims.
Part 4. Discuss one different infectious disease crisis, except Covid-19, and how political leaders of the time were either viewed as successful or failures in their handling of the crisis – do not focus on the disease itself.
Response #! (Josef): Part 1. Define leadership, in your own words, and then discuss why it is critical for responding to disease crises.
Leadership is the ability to give guidance and direction to a person or group of individuals during varying situations to achieve a desired outcome, goal, or vision. There are different kinds of leadership styles that the military teaches that can be utilized for different situations and with different personality types or skill progression. In the Air Force, we were taught four styles, directing, supporting, coaching, and delegating. Directing is used when there is a tight deadline needing to be hit and leaders don’t have enough bandwidth to explain situations or hold hands. Supporting is helping subordinates with tasks and does not give much direction. Coaching is a mix of both supportive and directive to help coach desired work motivation and pass along desired traits. Delegating is just passing the duties onto someone else with little help or input. In disease crisis, either a professional bureaucrat or elected official will emerge as a leader to get the Nation through the situation. The leaders usually go about leading the Nation in one of two ways, Guiliani, or Glendening models. The Guiliani model has the elected official making the steps forward through a crisis with scientific experts providing decision making info while the Glendening model has an expert in that crisis’ field of study making decisions with the elected official supporting them. (Kahn, 2009). People need a leader that will get elected officials and scientific elites to cooperate and work together toward a desired outcome to get through a crisis and help reduce public distress with how the situation is being dealt with.
Part 2. Elaborate on one infectious disease, except for Covid-19, that devasted our nation (from colonial America to the present) by briefly describing what it was, how it was treated (if at all), and the impact it had on our country – do not discuss political leaders.
On March 11, 1993, in Milwaukee Wisconsin, the largest documented waterborne outbreak in U.S. History started. Water filtration systems for the Milwaukee Water Works failed and distributed water containing a parasite called cryptosporidium to the surrounding consumers. The water out of the tap was tinted brown and complaints and concerns were initially dismissed by the water works company who claimed that the water was safe to drink. This was short lived, as people started flooding the hospitals with symptoms ranging from severe diarrhea to vomiting and anti-diarrhea medications were flying off the shelves. Subsequently, a boil water alert was implemented, and a blame game started between farmers who were blamed for water contamination from their farming practices to the water company for lying about the situation. Eventually the water plant was shut down. In the end, 100 people of the 400,000 infected had been killed by the parasite. (Kahn, 2009). The cost of the outbreak on the city of Milwaukee was $96.2 million between medical cost and productivity losses; this demonstrates the need for water treatment in America to invest in new water treatment technology to deal with decreasing raw water quality that impact public safety and National security (Corso, et al., 2003).
Part 3. Explain a deliberate use of an infectious disease used by Americans/American troops for political or military gain, or against Americans/American troops, and the impact it had on those who used it and those who were the victims.
The bioweapon program in America was started after other nations had already began and utilized them. The weapons were thought to be ineffective in application due to their sensitivity to environmental factors that destroy the disease before it can infect a target. Zoonotic diseases that can be transferred between animals to humans were thought to be the most promising to be used in open-air dispersal effectiveness. In 1950, the Army dispersed Serratia marcescens bacteria over open areas and urban areas from a ship near San Francisco that killed a Stanford student and infected 10 others. Other testing and maintenance incidents lead to President Nixon to implement the Biological Weapons Convention to cease biological weapon production and use (Kahn, 2009). Part 4. Discuss one different infectious disease crisis, except Covid-19, and how political leaders of the time were either viewed as successful or failures in their handling of the crisis – do not focus on the disease itself.
The 1950’s Polio epidemic was the worst outbreak in American history at the time that disabled and killed tens of thousands of children. President Roosevelt, who had dealt with the disease himself, was credited with creating the National Foundation for Infantile paralysis (March of Dimes). The foundation was established to fund research for a vaccine that would end polio. Eventually a scientist and his research team who shared the same vision as President Roosevelt developed a vaccine through the Salk Institute. (Tan & Ponstein, 2019). The leadership that President Roosevelt presented through his actions inspired people that fueled his battle against the disease. (Welky, 2020).
Corso, P., Kramer, M., Blair, K., Addiss, D., Davis, J., Haddix, A. (2003). Costs of illness in the 1993 waterborne cryptosporidium outbreak, milwaukee, wisconsin. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 9(4), https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/9/4/02-0417_article
Kahn, L. (2009). Who’s in charge: leadership during epidemics, bioterror attacks, and other public health crises. 2nd Edition. Praeger Security International. https://psi-praeger‑com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/Topics/D…
Tan, S. & Ponstein, N. (2019). Jonas salk (1914-1995): a vaccine against polio. Singapore Med J., 60(1), 9-10, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC63516…
Welky, D. (2020) The president vs. the epidemic: fdr’s polio crusade. https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/the-preside…
Will provide second response once it is available.


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