I have a part in group project for research methodologies in translation. The pr


I have a part in group project for research methodologies in translation. The pr

I have a part in group project for research methodologies in translation. The project consist of a full research literature review that is separated in 3 parts (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) My part I will be doing is the introduction. There isnt a need for reference page or creating a new paper. The project is focused on the impact of machine translation on translation professionals. I will the provide the full pre-made template/paper organized. It just needs your work of writing in the sections on the last page. Lastly, I will provide Lecture slides and part chapters of textbook, a guide and also i will provide an example/sample of this paper that was done before. Again theres no need for citation or using sources. if you need anything else let me know.
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Discipline: Translation studies/Research methodologies in translation


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