For this week’s discussion, watch the video Merchants of Cool at Merchants Afte


For this week’s discussion, watch the video Merchants of Cool at Merchants

For this week’s discussion, watch the video Merchants of Cool at Merchants
After watching the video, respond to the following questions in your initial post on the Week 2
How, and to what extent, does the mass media influence the public’s attitudes and behaviors? Do television shows and newscasts, for example, simply reflect what is happening in the world or do they carry the potential to actually cause real-life events? Apart from advertising, do you believe the members of the media engage in deliberate attempts to persuade people to adopt certain opinions and attitudes?
Secondly, provide two of the most convincing reasons that support the claim that psychology is a global discipline. Explain why each is convincing and reflects the progress that has been and will be made in psychology as a global discipline. Next, post two of the most convincing reasons that refute the claim that psychology is a global discipline. Explain why each reason is convincing and reflects a lack of progress or progress yet to be made.
Lastly, take a position yourself on whether psychology is a global discipline. Justify your position.


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