Discussion Question(s)/Instructions You are a representative of the ACME Organel


Discussion Question(s)/Instructions
You are a representative of the ACME Organel

Discussion Question(s)/Instructions
You are a representative of the ACME Organelle Company. Your job is to sell new organelles to cells. Sales are down and it is up to you to develop a new promotion.
Choose a cell organelle and write a sales pitch as to why a cell would need this organelle. Include the function of the organelle and its main features.
Your pitch should be at least 150 words.
Create a handout (flyer) with a summary of the features of the organelle to distribute to cells and embed or attach it to your discussion. Demonstrate your creativity in your flyer design. My use google docs, canva, or any flyer maker.
Must contain at least one professional reference (may be the course textbook) properly cited in the current APA format. https://openstax.org/books/anatomy-and-physiology-…
All questions/prompts in the discussion question should be addressed.
Use your OWN words.


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