Chapter 7 Assignment 1 Objective Alignment: LO’s 1, and 2 Managing Human Resourc


Chapter 7 Assignment 1 Objective Alignment: LO’s 1, and 2
Managing Human Resourc

Chapter 7 Assignment 1 Objective Alignment: LO’s 1, and 2
Managing Human Resources
For each of the following questions insert your answer in bold, in paragraph form and then
submit to the drop box.
1. Explain the three basic ways in which you can classify selection interviews.
2. Explain the difference between an structured interview and an unstructured interview.
3. Explains the job related interview and the stress interview (pg 203).
4. List and explain the common interview errors that can undermine an interview’s
usefulness starting on page 208.
5. Explain why structured interviews are best (pg 203).
6. What sorts of jobs do you think the unstructured interview would be appropriate for?
7. In any interview process when might it be appropriate to switch over to a more
unstructured interview?
8. Explain the various ways to administer or conduct interviews (page 207).
9. What are the five things your book suggests you keep in mind if you are to interview with
a company and the interview will be web-based? Hint- these suggestions are for the
interviewee not the interviewer (page 207).
The book you will need for this assignment is called, Human Resource
Dessler, 15th


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