By this point, we have discussed many topics: frameworks for teaching and learni


By this point, we have discussed many topics: frameworks for teaching and learni

By this point, we have discussed many topics: frameworks for teaching and learning, culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy, critical theories, and connections between culture, learning and identity. You all have come into this class with folk theories and scripts of how students learn and how you think teachers teach. The hope is that through readings, discussions, videos, and your assignments, you have challenged those folk theories and scripts by considering what you have learned thus far through theoretical concepts, yet also knowing there is more than just “Theory” that informs how we teach and how students learn.
John Dewey, an American philosopher and educational reformer, wrote his Pedagogic Creed in 1897. In it, he articulated his beliefs around the purpose of education, the purpose of schools, what should be taught, how it should be taught, and how education moves towards social progress. He started his ideas with “I believe…”
You will refer to Dewey’s Pedagogic Creed
.In this assignment, you are to look at how Dewey articulated his beliefs about education and come up with your own statements with rationale for each.
Example: I believe education is a process of living and not a preparation for future living.
In this final paper, you will do something similar, with 5 “I believe” statements around 1) what is education, 2) how students should learn, 3) the purpose of content, 4) the purpose of schools and education, and 5) your stance on how education is a move toward social progress. Under each “I believe…” statement, include 1) your rationale for that statement citing a reading you have done in our class or another class, and 2) an example of how that might look in a classroom. Throughout your paper, at least 5 of the resources should be from this class. Your rationale from the reading should support your claim or stance.
In your paper, 1) Begin with an introduction and end with a conclusion that reflects back on your statements.
2) how you have made sense of the readings/discussions in class and how you are applying and connecting them to your own ideas about teaching and learning,
3) to see that your thoughts and examples are clearly articulated and organized, and
4) to see that you have referenced at least 5 readings from our course that support your ideas.
Please be sure to proofread your work prior to submitting.
Assignment Details:
12 point, Times New Roman font
1.5 spacing
3-4 pages No more than 2 direct quotes from a text. Must be cited in APA format.
APA citations in-text AND in a Reference section at the end of the paper (APA resources are in Canvas under Modules if needed, or you can look at Purdue OwlLinks to an external site. for proper APA citations)You may also refer to class slides, but need to refer to the information in the lectures. This is how to cite:In-text citation (Professor’s first initial. Last name, personal communication, date of lecture)Example(S. Graham, personal communication, June 17, 2020)


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