b. Find the film online, at a local library, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime (or ano


b. Find the film online, at a local library, Netflix, Hulu,
Amazon Prime (or ano

b. Find the film online, at a local library, Netflix, Hulu,
Amazon Prime (or another video streaming service), film rental location
or Redbox and view it with a critical eye using concepts from our
Link to TCC’s library media resource page: http://www.tcc.edu/lrc/services/media.htm
Link to FILMS on Demand via TCC’s library page:
Analyze the communication present within the film and apply your
knowledge of intercultural communication concepts to critically analyze
the communication and culture within the film. APPLICATION: Please
use key terms from our text as well as theories we have covered to show
that you have read, understood and know how to apply some of our
critical course theories to a somewhat “real life” scenario depicted via
*** Please COPY & PASTE your analysis within the message box of Discussion as well as attach a copy***
***Minimal word count requirement: 500-800 words
***Include word count on assignment.
FILM ANALYSIS: Please copy the numbers of the questions within response (please do not write in free-form essay formatting).
Address the following concepts/questions based upon film content:
1. There are 2 parts to this question:
a. Please list the title of the film
b. List what country or culture is the setting of the film?
2. Name the main characters? Do any have particular accents or dialects? Are they all from the same culture?
3. What effect does language have upon the communication of this culture?
4. What are the underlying values of this culture?
5. Explain gender roles within this culture? How are they communicated?
6. NVC: List cultural gestures (nonverbal communication) exhibited? Who and what gesture?
7. Provide an example of each of the following from the film & how it communicated a message non-verbally within the film:
a. Facial expressions –
b. Eye contact (oculesics)-
c. Touch (haptics)-
d. Use of space (proxemics) –
e. Chronemics (time) –
f. Clothing (artifacts) –
Requirements: 800 words | .doc file


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