After reading the definitions for “pedagogy” and “andragogy” in this week’s cont


After reading the definitions for “pedagogy” and “andragogy” in this week’s cont

After reading the definitions for “pedagogy” and “andragogy” in this week’s content, please discuss your experiences with each. Remember that the way I am using “pedagogy” here is consistent with the way Malcolm Knowles used the term and might be a little different than how others define it. (Warning: you really need to understand the posted readings if you are going to create a successful post in this discussion)
In your response to this prompt, be sure to use the specific terminology associated with Malcolm Knowles’ theory of andragogy and be sure to use those terms in a way that demonstrates your understanding of them. Here’s your discussion topic:
You have been a student for quite a long time now. And as such, you have most certainly developed some expertise on what helps to create effective learning. Malcolm Knowles argued that adults learn best under conditions of “andragogy,” a model of adult learning, and not so well under conditions of “pedagogy” (as he defined, referring to methods typically used to teach children, not adults). Reflecting on your own experiences, please discuss the following:
PART 1: As an adult, describe a situation where you believe you have been treated as a child-like learner, not an adult. What approaches to teaching were used? What were the effects? How did you respond? How did this feel? Please use at least one specific, original example to illustrate your point (and DON’T name names — just give the example, but since you are probably being critical, please remove any identifying information about the adult educator who you believe used pedagogical methods).
PART 2: As an adult, describe a situation where you experienced a more andragogy-like educational model. What approaches to teaching were used? What were the effects? How did you respond? How did this feel? Please use at least one specific, original example to illustrate your point.
PART 3 — FOLLOW-UP: Come back to this forum and engage in some conversation with your classmates. Comment on anything you want, but also make sure that for at least THREE postings you reply with some suggestions on how you believe the original poster’s “part 1” response might have been transformed from a pedagogical model to a more andragogical model. You can take up to 4 days after this discussion board closes to continue the discussion. MAKE SURE TO READ THE ENTIER READING ATTACHED IN THE FILES


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