The readings for Chapter 1 and 2 are in Part One of the text called Basic Concep


The readings for Chapter 1 and 2 are in Part One of the text called Basic Concep

The readings for Chapter 1 and 2 are in Part One of the text called Basic Concepts. This section of the text is important for you to get the terminology and thought of educational philosophy. It is important that you read and understand this section because it will help inform the rest of the assignments for this course. It is also important that you read these chapters and relate this information to your personal experiences and practice. This is how we create our educational philosophy. The goal for this course if for you to think about what you do in your professional practice and give reasons for why you do the things that you do in teaching your students. There is no one correct philosophy. Many times we are a mixture of many different thoughts based on our personal lived experiences and our education. Our philosophy is sometimes changing and should be considered and questioned as we grow and learn to become better educators.
The purpose of these questions is to guide your thinking as you read the text. I’m looking forward to thinking and learning with you as we go through the semester.
Read the chapter in the textbook and answer the questions. Please include the questions with each answer. Here is the link to the Word Document with the questions. Submit your document to this assignment.


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