review Chapter 4 (pgs. 72-74). 5pts: To what degree, if any, can violence and de


review Chapter 4 (pgs. 72-74).
5pts: To what degree, if any, can violence and de

review Chapter 4 (pgs. 72-74).
5pts: To what degree, if any, can violence and destruction of property be justified in protesting injustice (at least 4-5 sentences)?
Review Chapter 4 (pg. 75) and watch video “Which law was broken.” 3pts: What was your overall opinion of the concept discussed in the video? 2pts: Peer response (at least 2-3 sentences) my class mate peer protesting is a fundamental right in democratic societies, allowing individuals to express their grievances and demand change. Peaceful protests are a powerful tool for raising awareness and advocating for social justice issues. However, when protests turn violent and involve the destruction of property, the situation becomes more complex. While some may argue that violence and destruction of property are justified in protesting injustice as a means to draw attention to urgent issues and incite change, it is essential to consider the broader implications. Violent actions can undermine the legitimacy of the protest, shift focus away from the original message, and harm innocent bystanders or communities.
Chapter 4 and the video “Which Law was Broken” likely discuss the balance between exercising the right to protest and the limits of using violence and property destruction as tactics for social change. Protesters must uphold non-violent methods to maintain the integrity of their message and build alliances with broader society. Ultimately, the effectiveness of protest movements in addressing injustice relies on a strategic and principled approach that respects the rights of all individuals involved and seeks constructive dialogue with policymakers and stakeholder


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