Read the case study “Case 5: The Philadelphia Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax” in y


Read the case study “Case 5: The Philadelphia Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax” in y

Read the case study “Case 5: The Philadelphia Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax” in your supplemental textbook, JPHMP’s 21 Public Health Case Studies on Policy & Administration.
Additionally, review the chapter in your textbook, Health Policy Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach, entitled “The Policy Analysis Process: Analysis of Values and Social Context.” Pay particular attention to the sections in this chapter on “Personal Responsibility” and “Consumer Sovereignty.” In a 5-6 page paper, answer the questions below:
While the sugar-sweetened beverage tax was proposed on varied platforms, what discussion can be built around the idea that a tax may discourage consumption of these beverages and, in turn, improve overall health?
What level of personal responsibility can be expected in one’s health?
Does this proposed tax, while levied at the corporate level, impose on consumer sovereignty?
City Council opposed the sugar-sweetened beverage tax because they believed the tax was regressive and disproportionately and unfairly burdened low-income people. Does this policy have any inequitable implications for people from different socioeconomic statuses?
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