QUESTION(S): In your responses to your peers’ discussion posts: Determine wheth


In your responses to your peers’ discussion posts:
Determine wheth

QUESTION(S): In your responses to your peers’ discussion posts:
Determine whether you used the same type of thinking in making your purchase that your peers proposed.
How was your thinking or decision making process different from your peers?
What might you suggest to your peers when making a future decision about personal technology?
I am David Wells. This is my last term to acquire my Bachelor’s in Information Technology. I work for a large ISP in my area. On a daily basis I am working with businesses on how to best install our internet service in their existing network. Or in some cases they are setting up a new network in a new site and want to start with our internet installation. A lot of this is planning and eventually the physical installation of cabling and my modem.
I have recently purchased a Steam Deck. I have a vacation coming up and there is going to be a lot of travel so I wanted to have a handheld device to play my games on. I had 3 options in mind. I could get a Nintendo Switch, a Steam Deck, or a Laptop. After reviewing the reviews of each device and considering the cost of each device I decided to go with either a Nintendo Switch or a Steam Deck. They both had similar reviews, the Steam Deck cost a bit more, but I didn’t really have the games on the Nintendo Switch that I would consider playing for the length of the trip. So based on the game library, the cost, the reviews, and the ability for me to basically play it where ever I wanted, I went with the OLED Steam Deck.
There are some things I did not consider thought. I do need to pre load games on to the Steam Deck. Some of the games that I considered playing does require an internet connection that may not be available during some spots of the vacation. I also did not consider the battery life. I think even if I did consider these things I would have still come to the same decision based on the reviews and game selection.
This is my last class before completing my BS in IT. For the last 13 years, I have worked on electronics in the military. I currently live in Northern California with my husband and two sons. My only professional experience related to topics in this class is all the courses leading up to this point. My most recent purchase was upgrading my laptop. To determine the device that would suit my needs, I first considered what I needed and what essential features I needed. I conducted deep research on specifications and capabilities. I considered its compatibility with my other devices. I also considered my long-term objectives and whether this laptop will scale with my needs. Lastly, I considered my overall user experience. If I were going to use this device often, it would need to be user-friendly and fit my lifestyle. One thing that I remained closed-minded about is trends. Although many people I spoke to tried to point me to getting an Apple product, I am not a big fan of Apple devices.
I’m confident that I made the right choice with my Surface Pro. It offers the perfect balance of portability, scalability, performance, and a decent battery life. Its durability and compatibility with my devices are also major advantages. While it may not be as universally compatible as an all-Apple setup, I am not inclined to change all my other devices to match.


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