Pregnancy and Birth Interview All submitted work for this class must be original


Pregnancy and Birth Interview
All submitted work for this class must be original

Pregnancy and Birth Interview
All submitted work for this class must be original and created specifically for the assignment. Any work determined not to be original and individual is subject to a reduction in points, with a possible grade of 0 (zero) for that assignment.
Download Interview Assignment Here
ActionsPlease be sure you read the assignment description carefully AND use the template so that you earn the most points possible. Required Template for Assignment
Please turn the interview responses into full sentences and paragraphs in the third person. Use this template for your response.
Template for Interview Pregnancy and Birth interview template.docx
Submit your response as a Word document or as a PDF. Optional Interview Handout
Here is an optional handout
that you can print out to use to jot down notes as you ask the questions. (you do NOT turn this in). You will copy these notes from the interview and enter it into the Template above. **This assignment will remain open for 1 additional week after the due date for late submissions. You can submit late (no need to message me and ask), however, full points will not be available for papers that are not submitted by the original due date.


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