Most of the time the intelligence cycle has been described and discussed using n


Most of the time the intelligence cycle has been described and discussed using n

Most of the time the intelligence cycle has been described and discussed using national level examples. We task satellites to orbit rogue states (IMINT and SIGINT), tap into the emails and phone calls of areas known to harbor terrorists (COMINT), and conduct deep cover operations to embed personnel into radical groups (HUMINT). However, some of the most “tried and true” intelligence collection methods have simply been reading the newspapers and magazines printed and published in different nations for hundreds of years (OSINT). The internet and social media platforms have changed how much danger we need to put assets in, to what extent we need them to uncover secrets that now may be learned remotely online.
address the following points:
Which type of information or intelligence would OSINT maybe be better suited (than other platforms) to attain?
In what scenarios would OSINT not be appropriate?
Has OSINT superseded HUMINT due to social media?
What dangers are still present if we rely on OSINT too much?
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.


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