It is a discussion question that you need to answer with a minimum 200 words. Yo


It is a discussion question that you need to answer with a minimum 200 words.

It is a discussion question that you need to answer with a minimum 200 words.
You are a volunteer for your local Meals on Wheels program, and have been given the addresses of 5 individuals that you have to deliver meals to in your county of residence on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. You have completed mandatory training for home visits by the MOW program, have been given PPE equipment and hand sanitizer, and have been told that you provide meal delivery service as a volunteer under the supervision of an MOW case manager and social worker for your county. You are not required to be COVID tested to be a meal delivery volunteer for MOW.
When you visit one of your clients, Susie, for the first time on Tuesday, you knock on the door and hear a voice on the other side of the door asking you to leave the meal outside the door, which you proceed to do. When you come back to the address on Thursday, you hear two people arguing when you approach the door. You ring the doorbell, and a person asks you to leave the hot meal outside the door, which you proceed to do again.
You come back to the address a week later, and when you ring the bell, a woman in a wheelchair opens the door and says she is Susie, your client. She asks you to come into her home and put the hot meal on her kitchen table. You notice that Susie has bruises up and down her arms, and is very unkempt in her appearance. You try to talk to Susie to ask her if everything is ok, and if you can help her. She realizes that you are looking at the bruises on her arms, and pulls a shawl around her shoulders so the bruises are not as visible. She says she is ok, and doesn’t need any help, and thanks you for bringing her the food.
1- Would you ignore Susie’s bruises and the argument that you heard in her apartment the previous week, or would you do something about this possible issue? Why or why not? PLEASE NOTE: You are a volunteer for Meals on Wheels. Remember that when you enter a person’s apartment, you are a representative of that organization. Meals on Wheels also has many supportive services, including social workers who visit every client’s home once they sign up for nutrition services who can help to identify any other assistance or services that a client might need. HINT: There may be other organizations that can help this person, but please do your research on whether they are able to help her in their scope of responsibilities…
Also in your answer, consider these questions: What is a Mandated Reporter (look it up)? In Maryland, who can be a Mandated Reporter? If the volunteer wants to act as a Mandated Reporter, who does he/she report the matter to? There may be ethical dilemma’s in such cases including respecting the wishes of the persons involved. We will not consider that issue in this case.


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