Introduction: Provide a concise overview of the concepts of parametric tests, un


Introduction: Provide a concise overview of the concepts of parametric tests, un

Introduction: Provide a concise overview of the concepts of parametric tests, univariate tests for normality, and hypothesis testing. Dataset Selection: Identify and describe a dataset suitable for applying these tests. Explain your reasons for choosing it. Parametric Test Application: Conduct a parametric test on your selected dataset. Include all steps and any Python or R code you used. Univariate Test for Normality Application:Perform a univariate test for normality on your dataset. Again, include all steps and any Python or R code used. Results and Conclusion: Summarize your test results. Were your hypotheses confirmed or rejected? What conclusions can you draw about the population from your sample? Submission Format: Your submission should be a maximum of 500-600 words (excluding Python/R code). Submit your assignment in APA format as a Word document or a PDF file. Include your written analysis and any tables or visualizations that support your findings. If you used any software for your calculations (like R, Python, Excel), please include your code or formulas as well. Include an APA-formatted reference list for any external resources used.


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