In this Assignment you will consider three different types of HSOs and apply the


In this Assignment you will consider three different types of HSOs and apply the

In this Assignment you will consider three different types of HSOs and apply the 7 criteria from the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program (MBNQA) criteria. Although each of these criteria can be applied broadly in a similar way across the different HSOs, this Assignment asks you to think deeper and consider the difference between the types of HSOs.
Part 1: HSO Comparison Matrix
Using the Module 1 Assignment 1 Template located in this week’s Learning Resources, begin by selecting three different types of HSOs that interest you or that you could see yourself potentially choosing for your future career.
Using the Baldridge Performance Excellence Program, complete the matrix by typing in the characteristics which meet the criteria for each of the three HSO types. Describe each characteristic briefly. Give an example as to how this can be met in each type of HSO and explain the expected impact on patient care or the service provided by the HSO.
Part 2: Executive Summary
Based on the results of the HSO Comparison Matrix, write a 1- to 2-page executive summary to the board of directors of one of the HSO types that you selected. Synthesize the information about that HSO and the application of the MBNQA criteria. Summarize the characteristics from the criteria for excellence that might be missing.
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