Compare any theorists approach vs. Sternbergs’ approach (Or Spearman if Sternber


Compare any theorists approach vs. Sternbergs’ approach (Or Spearman if Sternber

Compare any theorists approach vs. Sternbergs’ approach (Or Spearman if Sternberg in #3 or #4, or Thorndike if …, or see me). The idea of this Summary / Critique assignment is to take any theorists approach and compare their approach to that taken by Sternberg. If you have already used Sternberg in a “compare and contrast” assignment, then use Spearman. If you have used both Spearman and Sternberg … then use Thorndike… if you have used all three… see me 🙂
500-600 words excluding titles and references (approximating two double-spaced pages).
Below I’ve attached all of this year’s work. To reference as well as some chapters of the book for the course.


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