Canada has committed to NATO to spend 2% of GDP on Defence, however, as of this


Canada has committed to NATO to spend 2% of GDP on Defence, however, as of this

Canada has committed to NATO to spend 2% of GDP on Defence, however, as of this date, it still falls well-short of this goal. Write a briefing note to the Prime Minister on this issue. The briefing note should follow the template posted. It should outline the current situation, existing government policy(research from Budgets, throne speeches, policy documents), and the international situation (e.g. othercountries in NATO and their spending). The note should also recommend a course of action, either to meet the 2% goal (and how) or to not. This course of action should be supported by key policy considerations, including the strategic environment, diplomatic considerations, budgetary considerations, and public views, amongothers. You are to do your own research, although some of the course material will certainly be relevant. Use the template posted. you have to cite everything that’s not your ideas in-text citation and reference using APA style.


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