Answer the following question based on this week’s lecture, “Protecting and Hurt


Answer the following question based on this week’s lecture, “Protecting and Hurt

Answer the following question based on this week’s lecture, “Protecting and Hurting the Brand,” the additional readings and videos from this week, and your own knowledge about the topic. Each answer should be about half a page (except for question #1). If referencing material, please make sure you add a READABLE link so that I can check and get more info from the reference. This assignment is worth fifty (50) points and will be due by 11:59 p.m., Saturday, March 9. Students will receive 12.5 points for answering each of the questions below.
Question #1: Pick a recent global sports controversy that had a major impact on a brand’s image (last fifty years). Question #2: How did leadership succeed or fail in protecting the organization? Question #3: If they succeeded, what did they do right? If not, how did they fail? Question #4: What would you have done differently?
Bonus Opportunity (worth ten points): Students will have to respond to at least one person’s answer to the four questions. Students may respond to more than one student but they will only receive credit for one response. In a paragraph or so, briefly comment on one of your classmate’s answers. Students must answer questions 1-4 and come up with their own original answers to possibly receive fifty points for this assignment. Responding to another classmate’s answers will only give a student a maximum of ten points. Please reply: to this students discussion.Kevin d Espinosa Question #1: One recent global sports controversy that significantly impacted a brand’s image is the scandal involving the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Russian doping scandal. This controversy arose in 2014 when allegations surfaced that the Russian government had orchestrated a state-sponsored doping program to enhance the performance of its athletes during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and other international competitions.
Source: [Russian Doping Scandal](
Question #2: Leadership in the IOC faced significant challenges in protecting the organization amidst the Russian doping scandal. Initially, when allegations of state-sponsored doping surfaced, there was criticism directed at the IOC for what was perceived as a slow and inadequate response. Many questioned the organization’s ability to uphold the principles of fair play and clean competition, which are fundamental to the Olympic movement. The perceived lack of action fueled public skepticism and eroded trust in the integrity of the Olympic Games. As the scale and severity of the doping scandal became increasingly obvious, the IOC leadership recognized the gravity of the situation and took decisive steps to address it. They launched thorough investigations, collaborated closely with international anti-doping agencies, and engaged with independent experts to gather evidence and assess the extent of the wrongdoing. This demonstrated a commitment to uncovering the truth and holding those responsible accountable for their actions, the IOC leadership faced pressure from various stakeholders, including athletes, national Olympic committees, and the broader sports community, to take meaningful action in response to the doping scandal. The challenge for leadership was to navigate complex geopolitical dynamics while upholding the organization’s core values of fairness, inclusivity, and respect. Ultimately he IOC leadership succeeded in protecting the organization by implementing robust measures to address the Russian doping scandal. They imposed sanctions on implicated athletes and officials, including banning Russia from competing under its flag at subsequent Olympic Games and stripping medals from athletes found guilty of doping violations. These actions sent a strong message that cheating would not be tolerated in the Olympic movement and underscored the IOC’s commitment to upholding the integrity of sport, the IOC leadership worked to rebuild trust and credibility by enhancing transparency and accountability within the organization. They communicated openly with the public and stakeholders, providing regular updates on the progress of investigations and the implementation of reforms. By being transparent about their actions and decisions, they sought to reassure the global sports community that they were taking the necessary steps to address the doping scandal and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. While the IOC leadership initially faced criticism for their response to the Russian doping scandal, they ultimately succeeded in protecting the organization by taking decisive action to address the wrongdoing, enhance anti-doping measures, and rebuild trust and credibility within the sports community. Their proactive approach to crisis management and commitment to upholding the values of the Olympic movement were instrumental in mitigating the impact of the scandal on the organization’s reputation.
Question #3: The IOC leadership succeeded in protecting the organization by eventually taking decisive action in response to the Russian doping scandal. They conducted thorough investigations, collaborated with anti-doping authorities, and imposed significant penalties on Russia, including banning its athletes from competing under the Russian flag at subsequent Olympic Games. Additionally, the IOC implemented reforms to strengthen anti-doping measures and enhance transparency within the organization the IOC leadership effectively communicated their actions and decisions to the public. Demonstrating a commitment to accountability and integrity. By being transparent about the investigation process and the rationale behind their decisions, they helped regain trust and credibility among stakeholders. Furthermore, the sanctions imposed on Russia sent a strong message that doping would not be tolerated in the Olympic movement, reinforcing the organization’s commitment to fair competition and clean sport, it’s essential to acknowledge that the IOC leadership faced criticism initially for their perceived slow response to the doping allegations. This delay may have contributed to a sense of frustration and skepticism among the public and stakeholders. Moving forward, the IOC could improve its crisis management strategies by being more proactive and transparent in addressing emerging issues, thereby preventing reputational damage before it escalates. Additionally, ongoing efforts to strengthen anti-doping protocols and governance structures will be crucial in maintaining the integrity of the Olympic Games and safeguarding the organization’s reputation in the future.
Question #4: If I were in a leadership position within the IOC during the Russian doping scandal, I would have prioritized transparency and accountability from the outset. This would involve promptly acknowledging the seriousness of the allegations, conducting thorough investigations, and communicating transparently with stakeholders throughout the process, I would have worked to implement stricter anti-doping protocols and measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. I would have proactively engaged with international anti-doping agencies and experts to strengthen the IOC’s anti-doping efforts and ensure that the Olympic Games remain a beacon of integrity and fair competition. This collaborative approach would demonstrate a commitment to tackling doping in sports comprehensively and effectively. I would have emphasized the importance of proactive governance and risk management within the organization to identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they escalate into crises. This could involve regular audits of anti-doping procedures, enhanced whistleblower protections, and clear protocols for responding to allegations of misconduct. Seeking to foster a culture within the IOC, ensuring that all stakeholders, including athletes, coaches, and officials, understand their roles and responsibilities in upholding the values of the Olympic movement. So basically by taking a proactive and transparent approach to addressing the Russian doping scandal and implementing comprehensive reforms, I would aim to strengthen the IOC’s resilience to future challenges and safeguard its reputation as the guardian of clean sport.


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