List full paragraphs, your Strategic Recommendations. Bullet the difference rec


List full paragraphs, your Strategic Recommendations. Bullet the difference rec

List full paragraphs, your Strategic Recommendations. Bullet the difference recommendation paragraphs.
They should directly relate to the entire list of Strategic Issues using the same Strategic vocabulary terms
identified in current strategies. Not all cases have all levels of strategy. You cannot list a recommendation that
does not relate to the actual case current strategies. That is, ALL recommendations are in the form of
CHANGING one or more of the current strategies using the format: Change “Strategy A” to “Strategy B” to
address “Strategic Issue #1”. You may follow up a strategic recommendation with a tactical recommendation on
how to implement your change (accurately identifying which strategy the tactic implements), however, you must
not confuse strategy and tactics. Avoid magical thinking, blue-sky thinking, wishful thinking, and
recommending what is actually nonsense. Recommendations must be doable now under present conditions. You
cannot assume new technology or a new market that has never existed before (such as robot cars or a
significantly large female motorcycle market). Use Strategic vocabulary – grades will be based on your use of
vocabulary and its accuracy.
Do NOT personify by using the words I, My, Our, etc. What should the corporate, international, and business
level strategies be? What changes should be made in terms of strategy changes and strategy implementation?
Beware of making specific detailed recommendations that have no support from data or other information in the
case text. Do not use your own bias’ as justification. Strategic recommendations are not about “what should be”
but are about “what realistically could be” with a change in corporate, international, or business-level strategy.
Also, it is never an option to recommend a simple continuation of present strategy. All of these cases have
serious strategic management issues that must be addressed. Grades will be based on use of vocabulary,
reasonableness, and quality.


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