Assignment must include: The project must be indexed and page numbering Cover pa


Assignment must include:
The project must be indexed and page numbering
Cover pa

Assignment must include:
The project must be indexed and page numbering
Cover page and make sure to include the cover page with all information required. One mark will be deducted if there is no cover page.
A title that well represents the content of your report.
Table of contents.
An opening paragraph.
The main body of your report, which required analyzing a company’s use of social media [All points must be related to the concepts raised throughout the course].
A “References” section listing all sources included. And ensure that you follow the APA style in your report.
The minimum number of required references is 5.
Use Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 line space and adjusted text.
A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
Your report length should be between 2000 to 2500 words.
Assignment must be in word format only no PDF.
Your file should be saved as: Group # – CRN – ECOM322-Project Assignment – Part 1.doc
You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.
Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count.


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