What will you do? 1. Complete the goal setting document with your mentor for the


What will you do? 1. Complete the goal setting document with your mentor for the

What will you do? 1. Complete the goal setting document with your mentor for the students in your class for the 12-week clinical practice period. 2. Track the student achievement data against the goals that you and your mentor have set for the students in your class. You can use any form of assessment to track student learning and achievement. 3. Fill out the student achievement data on the Submissions page for all the students in your classroom after you collect and record baseline data from your students in three areas: subject specific data, vocabulary, and collaborative problem-solving. * Subject Specific Data: Record a percentage from 0% to 100% per student in your selected subject area topic or unit that you will be covering during the 12 weeks of your clinical practice. Refer to the Resource Guide for guidance on assessment. * Vocabulary: Record a percentage from 0% to 100% per student *Collaborative Problem Solving: Utilize the following rubric to record a 1,2,3, or 4 for each student: Insufficient (1 point): Student does not collaborate with peers or demonstrate problem solving skills. Basic (2 points): Student minimally collaborates with peers or demonstrates minimal problem-solving skills. Proficient (3 points): Student collaborates effectively with peers and engages in active problem solving. Outstanding (4 points): Student actively seeks opportunities to collaborate with a variety of peers to find effective solutions to problems. 4. Reflect upon the data that you have collected and recorded. Write or record a reflection (approximately 500 words or 3-5 minutes) that answers the following questions: * What does the data show you? * Are there areas that need improvement? * What are the areas of strength or growth that you see? * How will you use the data to drive your instruction and instructional focus in upcoming lessons? 5. Plan for data-driven instruction based on the areas of student learning gaps that you have identified through the data you have collected and analyzed. Begin to ponder how you will meet the needs of your struggling learners and/or challenge your excelling learners in your next lesson. When you prepare your next lesson plan, you will show evidence of data driven instruction through your differentiation and next steps. The data driven instruction will be evident in your recorded lesson that aligns to the lesson plan. Based on your data analysis, discuss with your mentor whether your overall unit plan needs to be modified as well. Report requirements – Goal setting document – Student achievement data for vocabulary, subject area, and collaborative problem-solving. – Written or recorded reflection on the data and how it will drive future instruction


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