Week 7 Course Project: Part 3 – Group Influences Using the responses from your


Week 7 Course Project: Part 3 – Group Influences Using the responses from your

Week 7 Course Project: Part 3 – Group Influences Using the responses from your Week 3 interviews, write a 250-word narrative that address the following criteria:
1. Refer back to the responses from your interview, specifically questions #8 and #9: Name two different ways that you were brought up that you think are different from most other people.
o Were you part of a social, religious, or other type of group growing up? Who were your role models when you were growing up? How did they influence you?
2. Answer the following questions:
• How did your subjects feel about the groups they were members of when they were growing up?
• How do you think these groups and members of the group formed and shaped the subject’s values and norms?
• How do you think the subject’s gender, race, or ethnicity formed and shaped values and norms?
[Enter your text here.]
Subject 1: Week 3 Questions
• What is your age? I am 39 years old
• What is your race? My race is Black
• What is your Ethnicity? My Ethnicity is African American
• What is your Gender? I’m a female
• Where did you grow up? I grew up in Chester, Pa • What is “old” to you? I would say “ Old to me would be around 80 or so. How do you know when you are old? I would know I’m old when I can no longer take care of myself, and not able to go and do as I please.
• How do you feel about old people? I have the utmost respect for old people, we have learned so much from what they have already experienced.Why? Because old people has the wisdom and knowledge we most likely have’nt experienced and can lead us in the right direction.
• Name two different ways that you were brought up that you think are different from most other people. For example, you may say you were raised on a farm, or your father was in the military. I would say one would be my mom was with a Biker club, where I was able to ride on the motorcycles almost daily, and another would be I lived in a city that a NFL football team practiced, and we were able to interact with the players whenever they were practicing at the College.
• Were you part of a social, religious, or other type of group growing up? No, I didd’nt participatein any of that type of things.
• Who were your role models when you were growing up? My role model would have been my older brother. How did they influence you? He went into the military, and that gave me some inspiration to want to join also when I got older, even through when that time came, I went in a different direction, his drive to do so many things gave me that same drive, in my adult life.
Subject 2:
• What is your age? I’m 16
• What is your race? Ah Black
• What is your Ethnicity? African American I think
• What is your Gender? A female
• Where did you grow up? Right here in Newport News
• What is “old” to you? Somebody that is like 50. How do you know when you are old? When I get 50, and get gray hair.
• How do you feel about old people? They ok, my grandma is old. Why? Because they tell me the right thing to do, and help me, when I need help.
• Name two different ways that you were brought up that you think are different from most other people. For example, you may say you were raised on a farm, or your father was in the military. I think I was brought up just like everybody I know.
• Were you part of a social, religious, or other type of group growing up? Nope
• Who were your role models when you were growing up? My Mama. How did they influence you? She always went to work, and got us what we needed, so I want a job.
Subject 3:
• What is your age? I’m currently 57 yrs old.
• What is your race? Hispanic
• What is your Ethnicity? Hispanic
• What is your Gender? Male
• Where did you grow up? Brooklyn New York
• What is “old” to you? Well old to me would be about 85 to 90. How do you know when you are old? I know when I’m old, when I can’t drive any more.
• How do you feel about old people? I love old people. Why? Well, because they have good stories to tell, and know way more than I do.
• Name two different ways that you were brought up that you think are different from most other people. For example, you may say you were raised on a farm, or your father was in the military. Well one way was I use to get into a lot of fights, because my parents did not believe in running from somebody, and second would be I have to do a lot of cleaning, and errands for my mom.
• Were you part of a social, religious, or other type of group growing up? No, I really did’nt have any time for anything like that.
• Who were your role models when you were growing up? My role models would be my parents. How did they influence you? I seen the love they had for each other, and how they worked out their problems, helped me be a better person when I got older, and got in a relationship.


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