This module explores additional sources of ideas for policy options beyond the f


This module explores additional sources of ideas for policy options beyond the f

This module explores additional sources of ideas for policy options beyond the failure frameworks and the system map.
The concept of “targeted transparency” refers to the use of information to address problems.
The concept of “nudging” recognizes that information is often not enough to make people adopt more beneficial behaviors. The field of behavioral economics has blossomed over the past few decades by identifying how the human brain takes short cuts to make decisions and the ways in which those shortcuts can be “nudged” to yield better decisions.
You will need to cover :
1. Summarize at least three key points from the required materials. Look for ideas that bridge across the assigned readings or videos.
– Please identify which reading(s) or video(s) you are discussing in each of your points.
– When you see a similar or related (or conflicting) point being made across two or more different readings or videos, be sure to point that out!
2. Articulate one question, puzzle, or point of confusion prompted by the assigned material. Required materials :
– Weil (et al) – targeted transparency
– Thaler & Sunstein (LA Times)
– Japanese Train Stations :…


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