this assignment is already done by this number #561559626 order number and the f


this assignment is already done by this number #561559626
order number
and the f

this assignment is already done by this number #561559626
order number
and the files that the writer did is located in the file but what i need the file to be is in different way so the Instructions are also in the file i want the assignment to get done and to view as in that exact
the assignment instructions is down below (if needed)
This is your final data analysis project. Here is the scenario. You are helping the manager of a university bookstore. You have gathered a data set, included and described below, that shows purchases and sales for a number of textbooks, in several classes. The problem that the bookstore manager is having is that the bookstore’s revenues are declining and she needs to find out why. Look at the data dictionary that describes what the fields are in the data set. Then select some analysis tools to understand the data set, visualize its contents, and even see if you can utilize regression, classification or clustering to find recommendations for what the bookstore manager should do. As you conduct your analysis, you will record your findings and prepare a business innovation report that shows what data-driven direction the bookstore should take and why. Clear support for the innovative direction should be covered and presented in the report. The paper that results from your analysis should cover a few key parts. Introduction (minimum 2-3 pages): Share your general understanding of big data, data mining, data science, and business analytics with the bookstore business owners. In your paper, please address the following questions, especially in context with bookstores. What is the data analysis field? Why does it matter? Where is this field going? How does business analytics lead to business innovation? Also, what are the tools of a Business Analytics professional, especially as they relate to solving bookstore analytics questions. The introduction needs to be a minimum of 2-3 pages of text. You should cite at least three credible sources (both in-text and on the reference page) that shed light on the nature of the business analytics field and the tools that professionals use, including the Big Data text. Targeted Analysis (minimum 4 pages, including visuals) Now, provide your targeted analysis for the bookstore owners. Include the following components: 1. Initial description of the data set. What is the scope of the problem or opportunity? 2. Analysis of the data set and the tools / processes you used to conduct your analysis 3. Conclusions you found from your analysis of the data. Recommendations (~1/2 – 1 page) 4. Recommendations (at least 2) based on your analysis of the data set. Your analysis should be 5 or more pages in length and should include, where possible, tables or charts that show the results of the analysis that you conducted on the data. You should include a minimum of 2 visuals (tables or plots) in your report. In total, your final report should be a minimum of 6 pages, excluding the title page and reference page. Treat this as a business report. Your goal is to conduct an analysis of data for a business and present the leaders of that business with the results of your analysis, along with your recommendations. The bookstore decision maker must understand your thought process. Here are the resources that you will need to complete the final project paper. Bookstore.csvDownload Bookstore.csv Data Dictionary for Bookstore file.docx Submit your HTML file for all code used or append it to your report. Additional Help: Possible research questions to help you get started Is there a correlation between the price of a book and if it sells? Can you split the books into clusters by price? Some books are ~$20 and others are $200. So, if you were cluster by price, say every $25 or every $50, can you learn anything useful? Is price a driver? Do students purchase books if they are expensive? Can you account for unsold books next year based on our current data? Forecasting is key. Can we forecast by price cluster? By category? By class? What other metric might help the bookstore optimize the ordering and minimize the losses? Is price a predictor for buyback by the publisher? Can you run a linear regression of buyback as a function of price? Some books have companion sites. Does a companion site impact sales? Can you cluster by companion type (No, Files only, Files & Quiz, Files & Quizzes & Slides)


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