Produce the following 5 plots using the data sets uploaded in the MATLAB tab 1.


Produce the following 5 plots using the data sets uploaded in the MATLAB tab

Produce the following 5 plots using the data sets uploaded in the MATLAB tab
1. 2D line plot showing two datasets on the same plot taken from ‘acoustic 2d’ and ‘acoustic 2D
second plot’ data sets. Present the figure in your most preferred style.
2. A 3D data plot using data from ‘Acoustic 3D coursework’ – the choice of how you display this
3D data is up to you. The plot should clearly articulate the underlying scientific results, as
explained in the workshop section, but there are several sensible ways to do this, and so the
choice is yours.
3. A statistical analysis of a large data set, which then should be plotted as average of change
in amplitude with time vs time of flight, including a method of dispersion of your choice, for
data set ‘statistics 3’. Again, the choice of how to represent the data, especially regarding the
dispersion, is up to you. For this data set, include a one-line justification of the measurement
of the dispersion you decided to use.
4. Following the Matlab Subplot tutorial here you are required to investigate the impact of
altering the time step on the images produced. You should produce 4 plots (one for each of
x, y, z and xyz data), each of which shows 4 subplots for the four different time steps (all
labelled on your plot). Please use time steps of π/2, π/5, π/20 and π/1000. An example in the
the image below is given for the X data set is shown. For these plots you are free to choose
the style of plot which best suits the data and are encouraged to select an alternative colour
scheme which enhances the visualisation of the plot. Please ensure all plots are labelled
appropriately. For clarity, Plot 1: x data, 4 subplots of π/2, π/5, π/20 and π/1000;
plot 2: y data, 4 subplots of π/2, π/5, π/20 and π/1000; etc.
5. Submit a plot via the following steps:
• Download the coursework data (Nail Penetration Coursework).
• Import the data into MATLAB (you can use any method of your choice).
• Plot a colour map of the data, taking care to label it clearly, choose appropriate axis limits and
a suitable colour scale with a labelled colour bar (you can use any method of your choice to
format the figure).
• Find the locations of the data points that represent the trends shown by the arrows in the
Figure below (using the code covered in the workshop, or your own approach if you prefer).
• Plot the data points you have found for both trends on top of the colour map.
• Fit an appropriate model to the data points that you have found (using the code covered in the
workshop, or your own approach if you prefer).
• Plot the models for both trends on the same figure (that already contains the colour map and
the data points), taking care to choose clear formatting for all the data shown, and add a
• In the submission document include the equation and coefficients for your chosen model and
a justification (a sentence or two) for you chosen model (model = curve shape/equation).
Produce a .pdf containing all 5 figures (ideally good quality, i.e. high-resolution or a vector graphic)
for submission.


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