Milestones to be Completed: 1. Data analysis for the historical performance d


Milestones to be Completed:
1. Data analysis for the historical performance d

Milestones to be Completed:
1. Data analysis for the historical performance data
· Descriptive statistics are to be summarized for each of the work elements (A thru OO)
· Consider the use of a box-plot, or a simple data summary of your choice to compare mean, median, standard deviation (variances to the standards provided), etc.
· Update your group’s data file (Excel file assigned to your group) by editing/revising/summarizing/displaying your analysis within one of the available worksheets provided
· Provide a summary statement about what you have found/determined about Foxconn’s historical data, and what you plan to do about the results … if anything… why?
2. Precedence Diagram
· Complete the construction of the precedence diagram based on the data provided in your group’s data file.
· Submit a “rough”/“draft” (sketch) or “finished” version of the precedence diagram via eConestoga’s submission link 
· Acceptable file types include (Word, PDF, .DRWG (CAD), Visio, Excel, PPT, etc. or a hand-sketch + photo/scan is OK at this point. 
· Label the file as “Precedence Diagram_Group(###)”
3. TAKT Time Calculation
· Establish a TAKT time calculator tool (formula) within one of the available worksheets provided within your group’s data (Excel) file
· The TAKT time calculator tool must be able to calculate TAKT time based on all the necessary input variables that make up “available time”, and “customer demand”
· The TAKT time calculator tool must be able to re-calculate TAKT time by changing any one or multiple input variables. HINT: it may be useful to link your TAKT time result to your workstation calculation and line balancing table in order to observe various scenarios for determining the amount of workstations your factory will need based on how you design/establish the “available time” for your production facility.
4. Evidence that a workstation design (Line Balancing) table has been started
· The line balancing table must be started within one of your available worksheets of the Excel file provided to your group folder in the sharepoint. The goal here is to simply begin the process of line balancing for the design and plan of the workstations needed for your factory. 
· This table does not have to be complete yet, but evidence must be shown that this table is setup, ready, and must show progress has been made. Please aim to have 3 to you’re your workstation assignments completed.
· HINT: You CAN NOT complete this part until you have completed steps 1, 2, and 3, from above. i.e. you need to decide which cycle times you will be working with, and you need to be confident with what TAKT time you’ll be working towards.
5. Provide a small/simple project plan that lists the next/remaining steps (activities) that your group will be working on and completing over the next 7 to 8 weeks so that there is a clear path to successful completion of this project prior to the due date and presentation date. 
· Use Excel or MS Project to list (itemize) the remaining activities planned to be completed for this project (see & review the original project instructions for detail)
· Identify “who” will be responsible for completing each listed activity
· Identify “by when” that person will be aiming to complete the listed activity
· Ensure the plan shows clearly that all remaining activities have an assigned/delegated person(s) (group member) and that the pertinent activities are targeted to be completed prior to the week of presentation and due date for the project. 
I will have added an Excel data file using that Excel. You have answer the questions using data. You have to use the 3 empty excel sheets in the same excel file to fill answer.


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