For your first project you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation that can b


For your first project you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation that can b

For your first project you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation that can be understood through reading text and viewing slides as visuals.
The topic of your presentation will be an International Repatriation request that you find in the
news, obviously not the Benin Bronzes or the Parthenon Marbles (but it could be other items
originating from Nigeria or Greece). Ideally, this will be a request that is in the process or just
recently happened. Please avoid any Nazi Era items as we will thoroughly cover this topic
later. We will also be covering NAGPRA and Native American repatriations as a unit so please
make sure that your topic is not from Native Americans in the USA requesting back items from
an American Museum.
Your project will be to investigate the origin of the objects (site or a cultural group that the
object/objects were taken from). You will need to find images of the original site and images of
what is being requested (or at least good descriptions of the objects). You will need to
investigate the terms of how the objects were taken/acquired, when they were taken/acquired,
and who was responsible for the taking/acquisition. Where are the objects now (find the
repository) and get any images you can. Who is requesting the objects back and where would
they go? (Again, get any images you can.) Based on your investigation, should the request be
honored and the repatriation carried through?
You will put this all into a short presentation (written out it should be approximately 350
(minimum) to 500 words (max of 750) with a minimum of 6 slides (the most you should need
would be 12 slides). Remember to record where you are getting your images from and cite
your sources at the end. Be as clear, concise, and informative as you can.


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