A dystopian short story of 1,000 words. MLA format. Story should include incitin


A dystopian short story of 1,000 words. MLA format. Story should include incitin

A dystopian short story of 1,000 words. MLA format. Story should include inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. A story where AI controls every aspect of people’s lives. A small group of rebels navigate a dangerous journey to restore freedom of humanity. The AI system monitors citizens constantly. The AI dictates everything from people’s jobs to there relationships. The story Warns against humanity putting its blind trust in technology. The story follows a small group of rebels on a mission to stop the AI and bring freedom back to society. I am going to try to upload a screenshot of a rough outline I did about the story. It doesn’t have to be followed to a T but at least somewhat similar. Thank you so much!


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