This exam is to observe your comprehension and understanding of the idea of the


This exam is to observe your comprehension and understanding of the idea of the

This exam is to observe your comprehension and understanding of the idea of the different roles of women that we read about in Units 1 – 5. Go back and review women in their Social, Economical, Legal, Political, Creative, Intellectual, and Moral roles.
Choose any 5 questions to answer. Choose a DIFFERENT group of women for each question, women discussed can be from readings or outside research as long as it fits 1500s-present.
Your answer should be 5 – 7 sentences or 250 minimum word limit, with at least three specific facts and citations included.
It should be edited, and well organized. Include the question at the start of your answer. NO FIRST PERSON
Each question is worth 20 points. There is a 3 hour time limit.
The Midterm is due March 10 by 11:59 pm. Canvas will cut you off at 11:59 pm and you will loose the opportunity to finish. Please prepare in advance and do not wait until midnight to complete.
Grading will be based on the ability to identify the roles, identify how the chosen group of women reflect the roles, editing, and citations.
Chose one group of women from Units 1-5 to discuss how they best represents the ideas of the economical role of women?
Chose one group of women from Units 1-5 to discuss how they best represents the ideas of the intellectual role of women?
Chose one group of women from Units 1-5 to discuss how they best represents the ideas of the political role of women?
Chose one group of women from Units 1-5 to discuss how they best represents the ideas of the creative role of women?
Chose one group of women from Units 1-5 to discuss how they best represents the ideas of the moral role of women?
Chose one group of women from Units 1-5 to discuss how they best represents the ideas of the social role of women?
Chose one group of women from Units 1-5 to discuss how they best represents the ideas of the Legal role of women?


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