The book is called Persepolis Complete reading “The Wine” to ” The Dowry” Choose


The book is called Persepolis
Complete reading “The Wine” to ” The Dowry”

The book is called Persepolis
Complete reading “The Wine” to ” The Dowry”
Choose one image and discuss its symbolism in the text. Remember this must be a symbol beginning with “The Wine” and ending with “The Dowry” (EX: alcohol, the poster, jacket, sneakers, rock music or cigarettes)
Discuss the impact of the war (between Iran and Iraq) in the second half of the book. How does Iraq figure into Marjane’s reality? You may also discuss how this relates to the current situation between the U.S. and Iran.
Respond to one scene or segment in the book. How does the author convey through words and pictures how the war is causing more separation, conflict and chaos for Iranian citizens?
Discuss the final chapter. Why is it vital to send Marjane away? Why don’t her parents leave as well?


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