The acute care hospital that you work for is concerned because they are receivin


The acute care hospital that you work for is concerned because they are receivin

The acute care hospital that you work for is concerned because they are receiving many consumer complaints about Emergency Room (ER) wait times being “too long”. They would like to do a descriptive study to compare their wait times to a benchmark. You have been tasked with analyzing data on ER wait times to determine how ER wait times at your facility compare to the state average ER wait time of 50 minutes for hospitals like your workplace.
1)Download the Excel workbook named 5311-ER-Wait-Times.
2)Descriptive Statistics – Use Microsoft Excel to calculate the following descriptive statistics and put them on a separate worksheet labeled Descriptive Statistics:
3)Create the graphs below which should be placed in separate worksheets that are named for the graphs they contain.
i)The first column would be a list of the distinct wait times in minutes and the second column showing the frequency counts for each distinct wait time.
ii)You should use the Excel Countif function to calculate the frequency counts.
iii)Calculate a total for all the frequency counts.
iv)The table should have appropriate column headers.
v)For example, if you were measuring coding times, and had two distinct coding times of 10 and 22 minutes occurring in your data 4 and 8 times respectively, then a frequency table for that study would be:
Coding Times (minutes)
4)Create a MS Word document named 5311-Question3-YourLastName and add a page title with the course name, question number and your name each on separate lines.
5)Data Analysis – In your MS Word document, write two paragraphs describing how you conducted this study and what your data analysis showed. The writing should reflect your best professional writing with full sentences, clear, complete thoughts. Your MS Word document should include:
Submission: Submit the MS Excel workbook showing the descriptive statistics, frequency table, bar graph and any calculations and or other work completed. Submit the MS Word document with your two paragraphs as described above.


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