Step 1 – Watch the provided video tutorial on how to work with Microsoft Power B


Step 1 – Watch the provided video tutorial on how to work with Microsoft Power B

Step 1 – Watch the provided video tutorial on how to work with Microsoft Power BI – video on how to use Microsoft Power BI and ChatGPT to complete this assignment (requires FIU Sign-In)Links to an external site.. To be able to complete this assignment, you’ll need to watch the video. Note: this is not a “step-by-step” assignment – the video shows you how to do things in PowerBI and ChatGPT so that you can do this for your own fictional business. You cannot copy my fictional business example, and if you do you will not receive credit for various parts of the assignment.
Due to the nature of generative AI (which can provide different outputs each time), the following videos have been created as a proactive measure just in case obstacles surface:
Having issues copy/pasting your data into Power BI? I made a video for anyone who has run into an obstacle here – Copy/paste fix video (requires FIU Sign-In)Links to an external site.
Does your data look strange upon import into Excel? (if you had issues copy/pasting your data into Power BI) I made another video, for anyone who has run into an obstacle here – Strange looking data fixLinks to an external site.(requires FIU Sign-In)
Step 2 – Use generative AI to create synthetic data that aligns with your fictional business from the “Through the Lens of an IS Manager” activities. I show how to do this with ChatGPT in the video. Ensure your dataset has:At least 20 rows of data.
A minimum of 10 columns, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data.
Ensure that your data is in a .csv format before importing into Power BI.
Step 3 – Import your synthetic data into Microsoft Power BI.
Step 4 – Create at least five visuals (three different types of visuals must be used – I showed different types in the video) using the synthetic data in the form of a Microsoft Power BI report. Note: due to the synthetic nature of the data, there might be visual outputs that don’t align with typical business expectations (meaning that things can be weird). That’s fine; the primary goal is understanding the tool and process.
Step 5 – Describe how you would use the visuals to guide decisions for your fictional business in a short essay.
Your short essay should be between 200-400 words in length.Discuss the role of descriptive analytics in understanding the current state of affairs of your fictional business. Specifically describe what your visuals show you from Power BI (the ones you actually made).
Touch upon predictive analytics, discussing how you could hypothesize potential future outcomes. You may refer to data or visuals not present in your synthetic dataset.
Touch upon prescriptive analytics, suggesting actions to take based on data analysis. It’s okay to hypothesize based on external data. The emphasis is on showcasing understanding, not application for this part of the assignment.
Ensure that your short essay references the visuals that you have created for the descriptive analytics component. For predictive and prescriptive analytics, you can refer to data that is not part of what you have created in Microsoft Power BI.
Tip: How can I incorporate ChatGPT or a generative AI tool into this?
Brainstorming tool – If you are unsure as to what visuals you can create with the data that you have available, you can use generative AI as a brainstorming tool. An example, “What are some ways that I can visualize sales data over time?” or “Suggest a visual representation for my data” – where you would copy/paste your data into ChatGPT or some other generative AI tool for guidance. It won’t make the visual for you, but it can help provide guidance on which visuals can be appropriate.
Stuck with your essay? – Ask generative AI for guidance on how you can transition between sections of your short essay. You can also ask for guidance on how to edit what you have written for conciseness and clarity.
Generating a hypothetical situation – Not sure what you can do with the data that you’ve synthetically generated? Ask ChatGPT or a generative AI tool to “Give a fictional example of a business decision that can be made using prescriptive analytics” – be sure to provide context about your fictional business before asking that question for the most impactful output.
Submission requirements:
A screenshot of your synthetic data (you can either include this as a separate attachment, or as a screenshot within the Word document that you will need to create for Part 5).
A screenshot (or screenshots) of the five visuals created using synthetic data in Microsoft Power BI (you can either include this as a separate attachment, or as a screenshot within the Word document that you will need to create for Part 5). Note: be sure to include your name in the screenshots. I show how to add your name to your Power BI Canvas in the video that is part of these assignment instructions.
A Word document with your responses to step 5. This Word document can contain the screenshots for your synthetic data and the five visuals if you would like – or you can have them be included as separate attachments.
Evaluation criteria:
Generative AI and Data Creation0.5 points: Data created is in line with the business idea from “Through the Lens of an IS Manager” activities.
1 point:
Contains at least 20 rows of data (0.3 points)
Has a minimum of 10 columns with both qualitative and quantitative data (0.5 points)
Data is provided in .csv format (0.2 points)
Import Data into Microsoft Power BI1 point:
Successfully imports the .csv dataset into Power BI without errors.
Visualization in Power BI1 point: Created at least five visuals using the synthetic data (there are no extra points for making more than 5). (0.5 points)
You need at least 3 different types of visuals. In the video, I show more than 3. I showed column charts, scatter plots, word clouds, etc. Each of those counts as a separate type.
Visuals are aligned with the data (meaning you chose the right visual per the data type) even if some outputs might not align with typical business expectations – because it is synthetic data (0.5 points)
Analytical Insights and Implementation Essay2.5 points:
Length & Structure (score is scaled if the word count is not met)
Essay is well-structured, clear, and falls within the 200-400 word limit. Going beyond the limit will not lead to more points.
Descriptive Analytics Discussion – 1.2 points:
Describes the current state of their fictional business through a discussion on the created visuals. You must specifically reference your visuals that you created.
Differentiates between what the data reveals and what it can infer about the business operations, customer preferences, or potential market gaps.
Predictive Analytics Discussion – 0.6 points:
Hypothesizes potential future outcomes for the fictional business, showcasing an understanding of how trends, patterns, or specific data points can help inform future predictions.
Creatively incorporates external factors or data (even if not present in the synthetic dataset) to build a plausible predictive narrative.
Prescriptive Analytics Discussion – 0.7 points:
Provides suggestions or actions the business can take.
Demonstrates a clear understanding of how data-driven insights can translate into real-world business decisions, even within a fictional context.


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