Read the following description of a political system. Maximum possible: 10 point


Read the following description of a political system. Maximum possible: 10 point

Read the following description of a political system. Maximum possible: 10 points. The political system is ruled by the 100 richest persons in society who serve in the system’s “senate” (legislature). These “billionaires” are REQUIRED to serve in government. The people elect other “representatives” who can only veto major policies or legislation. The government is very popular largely owing to superior services. The government is constantly concerned with the concentration of power in a few people’s hands. The top executive leadership is placed in a person (from among the billionaires in the senate) who is elected by the Senate for life and must surrender his financial holdings to other family members and disassociate himself from his business. A Cabinet consists of the Prime Minister and six billionaire officials. The Cabinet is accountable to the Senate. There is compulsory rotation of all ministerial and committee positions. The Senate is composed of all the billionaires. There are Senate committees that oversee parts of government and a Judicial committee (Grand Jury) with sweeping legal power. A ceremonial scaffold is constructed just outside the executive building for hanging the chief executive if he – in the view of the Senate — wields too much power or tries to. Senators are enlisted based upon heredity and wealth (both required) and just one political party functions more like a general movement than a political party. All protests are banned, but citizens have mechanisms for submitting grievances and exposing abuses without becoming vulnerable. Anonymity is protected. A State Committee on Security (10 Senators) has broad and imposing judicial power. Clergy are appointed by the government and are held to all general laws. Officials and other rich people are constantly scrutinized in their public lives, but are permitted to socialize in anonymity by wearing special costumes and masks to hide their identities. This is broadly accepted as healthy. Trade or commerce is the driving force of the system. It is also the primary rationale for all political decisions made in the system. There is a progressive tax system, but if the wealthy wish to “donate” their money to the government and designate its use by government, such donations are 100% deductible from their tax obligation. In essence, this system enables all citizens to designate how their taxes are used by the government if they wish to do so. After thinking carefully and thoroughly, write a three page essay (double or 1.5 spaced) and place it in the submission folder of D2L. Follow the outline below for your essay. Space is limited so write with substance and efficiency. Be sure to say exactly what you mean to say. Proofread! Highlight what the system can do well. one page Highlight what you think it would NOT do well. one page Could a system designed like this be a major power in the world? Why do you think so or think not? one page


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