Read Chapter 6. Discuss the following: Psychological research shows that when pe


Read Chapter 6. Discuss the following:
Psychological research shows that when pe

Read Chapter 6. Discuss the following:
Psychological research shows that when people are placed in front of mirrors they often behave in a more moral and conscientious manner, even though they sometimes experience this procedure as unpleasant. From the standpoint of the self as a social actor, how might we explain this phenomenon?
Your post should be well developed. At least 2 paragraphs explaining and discussing the topic. Respond to one learner’s post with scholarly comments that are at least 5 sentences long. If you write something that resembles the following, points will be taken off: “I agree with your post. It is well written. The author did a good job with discussing this issue.” I am looking for your thoughts and facts gathered from what you read. (50 points – 40 for the post and 10 for the response)…


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