Prompt:Locate a peer reviewed article that discusses Internal Family Systems (IF


Prompt:Locate a peer reviewed article that discusses Internal Family Systems (IF

Prompt:Locate a peer reviewed article that discusses Internal Family Systems (IFS) as a whole or focuses on one of the core concepts of IFS. Find an article that your peers have not already posted and share the following:
A summary of the findings (what did they research investigate or analyze? What did they find?)
What are your impressions? What questions do you have?
How do you think you might apply this research to your future work with clients? Or what is the real-world application of this information?
Draw a connection between the article and required readings, or your lived experiences or prior knowledge about this theory.e.g. Does this theory clash with any of your cultures? If yes, how might you adapt this approach or decide if it is appropriate to use?
Use the UMass Global Library, or other source, to search for a peer-reviewed article. Do not a use a book, blog or internet page.


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