Project Two Overview Using the topic and the sources you gathered in Project 1,


Project Two Overview
Using the topic and the sources you gathered in Project 1,

Project Two Overview
Using the topic and the sources you gathered in Project 1, you will continue researching to round out your sources and prepare to write an Exploratory Research Essay for Project 2. This essay should be 8-10 pages in length (does not include references), include a minimum of 8 sources (at least 6 scholarly), and be formatted in an appropriate style (e.g. APA or MLA style). As a reminder, this is not an argumentative essay, but rather, an exploratory research essay in which you work with your research topic and research question, integrate sources of information into your writing and analyze them, and discuss the significance of your research to an audience for your essay.
What you’ll be doingOver the course of this project, you’ll be:
Locating additional research sources and possibly discarding sources from P1
Planning, outlining, and drafting a well-supported research essay
Supporting your essay’s ideas with source-based evidence and analysis
Using MLA or APA style (or an appropriate style approved by your instructor) to create a bibliography and include in-text citations throughout the essay
There will also be a final reflection to accompany Project 2.
Additional activities in developing Project 2 will include:Evaluate sources and plan additional source gathering to ensure a well-rounded research essay
Development of a work-in-progress report
Collaboration with peers and instructor to help guide your process
Development of a structure for your essay
Engagement in appropriate and accurate style and citation practices
Practice in summarizing, paraphrasing, and incorporating direct quotes
Development and expansion of ideas and evidentiary support from sources
Understanding of differences between plagiarism and misuse of sources
Responding to peer work and incorporation of feedback on your own work Although you gathered sources for P1, that was just a start to your exploration of this topic. Throughout this project, you will deepen your understanding of how to find more, and better, sources through research. For an 8-10 page research essay, you’ll need lots of sources to support various points. As your research continues, you’ll develop concrete plans to move from researching the topic to writing about it, and this transition might reveal that you could use additional research on some aspect of your topic. There are always more effective sources you can find and more effective ways to discuss elements of your topic. In Project 2, you’ll create a structure for your research essay that shares the compelling information from your inquiry-based research. Your essay will fully analyze sources while discussing implications on various potential audiences of the research you found.


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