Please respond to the question below. In your response, be sure to draw upon the


Please respond to the question below. In your response, be sure to draw upon the

Please respond to the question below. In your response, be sure to draw upon the course materials and additional materials as well (be sure to cite these sources).
Question #1
In recent discussion with friends, the concept of shared history comes up – the idea that our place in the present has been shaped by a history that is deeply intertwined with those in our collective…and that in many ways, each of us hold some responsibility. Further, during your discussion, the idea that our current political, economic, and social spheres are deeply impacted by this shared history. Your discussion covers numerous recent topics – racism and discrimination, criminal justice policy, excessive use of force, mass shootings…all sensitive topics emerging within the collective. During the discussion, you can feel some tension, some frustration around the ideas of responsibility and acceptance of this perspective. With your newly acquired knowledge, you feel the pull to support this concept.
Please construct your response to your friends, providing meaningful examples from the course materials, current events, and other sources (if appropriate).
Hint: All course material covered to this point can be weaved in responding to this question.
I will provide week one and six materials when you start solving the question.
Requirements: 1p


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