Pertaining to sex/gender write a reflective essay on indigenous Native American


Pertaining to sex/gender write a reflective essay on indigenous Native American

Pertaining to sex/gender write a reflective essay on indigenous Native American perspectives on colonization and gender in regards to the past and present two spirit people.
In your essay discuss the following questions:
Who are two spirit people and how do they experience sex/gender?
How and why would colonizers want to destroy two spirit people? Why might their roles be threatening to a patriarchal power structure?
How do two spirit peoples’ gifts and particular roles in their communities support them and their communities in terms of their cultural identities and gender/sex identities?
What would help support the future of two spirit people and why?
Include at least 4 the following artifacts in your analysis: (Besides using the required The Feinberg “Transgender Warriors” article in the attachment)
Notable quotes from the video Two Spirit People (Slide 6)
Historical information from the 3 part documentary Two Spirits in Two Worlds (Slides 7-9)
North American Berdache (in the attachment)
Reactions to one or both paintings (slides 11-16)
Any of the 3 poems by Belacourt (slides 19-24)
Present-day experiences of two spirit people (slide 25)


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