Length Requirement: One page Document Type: Internal memorandum Your Role: Your


Length Requirement: One page Document Type: Internal memorandum Your Role: Your

Length Requirement: One page Document Type: Internal memorandum Your Role: Your ideal managerial job Intended Audience: Your direct reports, many of whom speak English as their second language Prompt One day while you were at work you noticed something that could be potentially damaging to you, your co-workers, or the company facility. And, because of your managerial position, it is your responsibility to address this issue. Therefore, your task for this assignment is to write an internal memorandum based around a set of instructions that is intended to correct the problem you have observed. Keep in mind that, because your memorandum is meant to address your direct reports—an audience comprised of employees whose first language is not English as well as those whose first language is English—thus, you will have to craft your document carefully so that all members of your audience will understand. As you are writing, review the strategies for communicating with multicultural audiences. Remember these strategies include but are not limited to: choosing words carefully; making sure your sentences are short, direct and clear; and removing any slang or idioms in your writing. When composing your memo, you should include the following bold and blue headings so that you will get used to using headings for the types of sections and information you need to address. Note: Please ensure that your section headings are formatted in bold font, but do not color them blue. Please make your sections headings black and bold font. To: Since the intention of this memo is to address a group of employees, address it to the position title and/or department to which the audience belongs From: Your name, title or position Subject: Specific and descriptive—think of this almost like an essay title; it should inform the reader of the main idea of the memo Date: Write it out; do not use numerals Purpose: For this section, write a one- to two-sentence statement of: Why you are writing the memo, and Why you are writing to this group of people. Background: For this section, provide a brief narrative of one to two paragraphs that explains: What has happened in the past to bring you to this point, What the current situation is, What happened or what you noticed that you felt you needed to say something, and Why this is an important matter. Discussion: Begin this section with a one-paragraph explanation that address why the task is done. Then, provide a specific set of instructions that explains the proper way employees should perform the task, which should, at minimum, include the following: When the task should be carried out (if there is a specified time to do it); Who is to carry out the task (if a designated or certified person must carry out the task); What safety measures must be taken and why; and What items or tools will be necessary to carry out the task. Note: Your instructions should be indented, each step should be numbered, and you should include an appropriate lead-in statement before jumping into the instructions. Action: For this section, you write one paragraph for each of the following bullet points that explains: What action your direct reports are to take with this information. Include (a) who you want to do what and (b) when you want them to do it. Be mindful of your tone here. What action you will take in regard to this information, what you will do, and when you will do it. Consider how you will not only support your direct reports in completing the action you are requesting of them as well as what action will taken if your direct reports do not comply with the instructions you’ve provided. Be mindful of your tone here, especially when sharing consequences for non-compliance. ** This assignment should not be written as a traditional academic writing assignment; you should create a document that is intended to mirror tenets of technical writing.


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