Instructions For this assignment, you are free to investigate and comment about


For this assignment, you are free to investigate and comment about

For this assignment, you are free to investigate and comment about any health issue or concern connected to your selected CHN’s aggregate. You may choose any health issue or concern for that aggregate. You will explore this current public health issue or concern being talked about in the news, in your community, or identified by your CHN within the context of one or more of the concepts presented this week (leadership, economics, policies, laws, and ethics). Some recent examples are drinking water quality, environmental prisoner conditions and women’s health. To help identify your health issue, you can ask your selected CHN (if you haven’t already) and/or search for sources which provide information about your community or the wider region, nation, or world. Examples of sources might include: local or national newspaper, local or national news channels, Internet news agencies, or other sources. Remember, everything is a health issue, so you do not need to limit yourself to identifying, for example, spread of disease.
General Instructions/Steps
Part 1: Initial Discussion Forum Post (25 points):
Identify the population or aggregate you will be discussing. The population will likely be a population or aggregate of your chosen CHN, but, depending on the health issue you have selected, it may be an even smaller subset of the CHN’s aggregate, or could be a population or aggregate in your CHN’s community, for example, all the people who live in a town or region a policy or law impacts.
Describe the issue or concern.
Identify and and analyze at least one current policy or law that relates to the concern identified.
Describe what changes in organizational, local, state, and/or national policy or laws could help alleviate the concern or improve the health of the aggregate being discussed.
Identify and briefly describe at least 1 option for which population-focused nurses are currently, or are able to intervene and become an advocate involved at the organizational, local, state, and/or national level to positively impact the health issue or concern.
Analyze any ethical issues related to the health concern for the aggregate (How Autonomy, Non- malfeasance, Justice, Beneficence, etc., apply). Apply these to the specific population you are discussing.
In your initial comments you must include at least 2 current week learning resources.
Be sure to cite and reference using correct APA format. Because this is a discussion board assignment, you do not need to add double spacing or hanging indent for the references.
Be sure to review the Discussion Assignment Initial Post Rubric for more specific grading parameters for this activity.


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