In addition to your textbook reading, watch the videos below and then answer the


In addition to your textbook reading, watch the videos below and then answer the

In addition to your textbook reading, watch the videos below and then answer the following questions. The primary source from Phillis Wheatley that you’re working with for this DQ has been included below. WATCH – Two videos (approximately 30 minutes total) QUESTIONS The document “Letter to Arbour Tanner” is a primary source; you’ve been learning about primary sources this week. How did Wheatley think about enslavement and freedom in light of her lived experience? How does her experience contradict that of most enslaved people during this time? How did the Revolutionary era ideals of freedom and liberty influence Wheatley and her work? Using the primary source below and your other learning resources this week, write a 25-sentence minimum response. Don’t forget to include the historical context of this time period and Wheatley. Your response should contain ample direct quotations and in-text citations in addition to your own analysis.


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