Im Electrical engineering major Instructions: Please respond to the relevant se


Im Electrical engineering major
Instructions: Please respond to the relevant se

Im Electrical engineering major Instructions: Please respond to the relevant section below. NO paragraphs! Use a table to organize and submit your response [2-column tabular format, with prompts on the left]
Clearly identify your selected option at the top of your response Include your Name, Major, Assignment heading, Date
All links must be hyperlinked
Submit a 1-page current/updated resume (pdf only); Add filename e.g. Resume-jon.doe
All submissions in PDF format only.
1. Attending Career Fair [Note: NO paragraphs! Use a table]
Industry Insights: Research & discuss current trends and future predictions in your field of interest.
Skill gap analysis: Research or identify what skills are currently in demand based on the ideal job position/role through speaking with professionals, or industry reps or research.
Submit a 1-page fact sheet on your plans for the career fair. Your fact sheet should:
Provide information on 3 companies of interest to you. Describe the company’s focus area (1-2 sentences).
Identify a specific job announcement for which you may qualify, or identify potential job opportunities within the company for your major.
Explain the type of assignment [internship, full time], your responsibilities, and job title
Indicate the closing dates for application
Include your targeted start date and semester, (if applicable) and the possible geographic location. Include the company logo and a hyperlink to the company’s website and career page.


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