I need to write a 2-3 page no les than 750 words, Case Study on HR strategiesNam


I need to write a 2-3 page no les than 750 words, Case Study on HR strategiesNam

I need to write a 2-3 page no les than 750 words, Case Study on HR strategiesName of the case: New HR Strategy Makes Lloyd’s a “Best Company”
1. What skills does Black think employees need to work successfully in the area
of HR?
2. What are some of the outcomes of the company’s new HR strategy?
3. What do you think might be some of the challenges of establishing HR
policies for a global company?
4. What types of situations do you think might require an HR manager to say
Writing Requirements:
– In the first paragraph, summarize the case study
– Respond to each question in a separate paragraph
– Give a conclusion
– Must be at least 2-page in length, excluding the cover page and reference section
– Use the APA style
Here is the case attached below


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